Naama Goldberg lives in Ramat Gan, is married and mother of three boys.

Naama is currently writing her Ph.D. at Bar-Ilan University in the Gender Program. She teaches at the Kibbutzim College, with courses focusing primarily on gender equality and educational work with at-risk youths.

Naama was high school principal for many years, at a school for children with learning disabilities – the House of Tamar (Habayit Shel Tamar). She then spent a decade working at the Democratic Institute, where she headed a teacher training course in the spirit of democratic education – “the Hothouse”. She is a graduate of the Mandel Institute for social-educational leadership and has always taken an interest in activism and supporting women who come from marginalized communities. 

In 2017, Naama opened a Facebook group, which quickly became an NGO named “Lo Omdot Me’negged” (Not Standing By). The efforts grew out of the realization that women who have or have been in the cycle of prostitution suffer from isolation as well as from financial and mental deprivation, all of which impedes their ability to function in society. Today there are tens of thousands of women and men, each of whom voluntarily contribute of their time and energy for the sake of these women, that are a part of this effort. The NGO provides assistance with needs which are not provided to these women by the government social services, and which are out of the reach of the women themselves. 

In providing a sense of relief and breathing space for these women, “Lo Omdot Me’negged” supports women to take care of themselves and their children, instead of having to constantly attend to their most basic needs. And most importantly, the hope is to give them a sense of belonging, a sense of place in society. The assistance provided by Lo Omdot Me’negged include provision of basic commodities such as medication, hygiene products, clothing and furniture, food, assistance in finding employment and professional skilling, scholarships, medical care, legal assistance, contacts with support centers and hostels, psychotherapy, and small business entrepreneurship counsel. It also helps to build personal connections between volunteers of “Lo Omdot Me’negged”, who can provide the women a loving, helping hand, social connection and emotional support. The assistance is provided unconditionally and non-judgmentally.