Inspired by our Aunt Rayah, we amplify the voices of women.
Learn more about our honorees

Racheli Tadessa Malkai

Debbie Golan

Adv. Dana Myrtenbaum

Irit Shimrat

Noha Khatib

Meredith Rothbart

Naomi Schneiderman

Rana Fahoum

Tamar Rechnitz

Karen Doubilet

Iris Stern Levi

Adv. Nitzan Caspi Shilony

Dr. Raquel Ukeles

Noga Brenner Samia

Prof. Mona Khoury Kassabri

Dana Talmi

Sharon Tal

Tamar Yahel

Adv. Leehee Goldenberg

Ola Najami

Tamar Schwartz

Esty Shushan

Fida Nara Tabony

Adv. Keren Horowitz

Ronnie-Lee Sneh

Hagit Freud

Fida Shehadeh

Oso Bayo

Lina Alatawna

Yaara Peretz

Merav Carmi

Dana Weinberg

Fahima Atwana

Rakefet Ginsburg

Talia Vekstein

Naama Goldberg

Nitzan Kahana

Hila Pe'er

Louiz Green

Shahira Facher